In a drench of fuzz and a yelp of epic tight-trousered pain enter the drone-yelping punkers The Hunches, and I would hazard a guess (:arf:) that their Sonic Youth-esque squeal and squelch could only come from one of those American regional creative hubs like Portland. And my hunch was correct. Boasting a full complement of loud styles, they brace us with noisy hardcord, post-core, thrash-noise and drone-fuzz (my own invention). At the heart of the yelping and squealing is a romantic young man, politically-astute and so mortified with the way the world is going, but also liking a bit of weird sexy time with his raunchy ballads that happily sit alongside the bare-knuckle earnest thrashing of the heavier numbers.
‘Unraveling’ is a discordant cry for help in a maelstrom of emotion while ‘Your Sick Blooms’ is a romantic riposte to love in that self-referential knowing way that all modern love songs should be, drenched in a furious attack of flange and repeated squelchy guitar notes building to an insane climax where the singer shouts. The album is unashamedly lo-fi with its resonance and reverb dirtying the mix till the vocals become another crackly instrument, the lyrics become indecipherable but no less powerful for it. The bombast and fury of the music, the messianic pretensions of a singer proclaiming himself to be a preacher, teacher, lover, fighter and emotional wreck, are all earnest blurts of emotion from a scorched soul. Emotive thrashing unbelievably ballsy lo-fi punking noise. Great.
I've a Hunch this is their website
I'g guess this is their record label
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