Canadian dancefloor destroyers Thunderheist tempted us with the sleazy 'Jerk It', featured on 'The Wrestler' soundtrack. Titularly named, they arrive with their monstrous debut album, fizzing with hip house, whippersnap smart and all eyes on the dancefloor. Grahmzilla provides the electro house beats, crunked up and garaged down all at once. Like Spank Rock and Wiley and Santogold and so many other things out there, this is all attitude, instructional dance-moves and baritone voices filling the mix. Disco, hip-hop, r&b, electro, house- they all get a look in. Vocally, Isis is halfway between Peaches and MIA, calmly instructing and cooing her way through the sleazy vocals, she is neither too shouty or too lost in the mix. She oozes personality throughout, able to sound like a sickbag full of vice contorting itself into insane dancefloor shapes. 'Do The Right Thing' stomps like the righteous anger of a Spike Lee film; 'Pusherman' is like a dystopian future Travis Bickle washing all the scum off the streets with the ambling electricity of the synths. They are un-posing, unpretentious and concerned with having a good time, ensuring you do too, and with this type of good-time music arriving in the midst of months of angst-rock and murmur-sourpuss music set out for the months ahead, seems like the best bet for a good ol fucking time, jerking it on the dancefloor like space cowboys chewing pink bubblegum.
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